Thursday, February 17, 2011

Keep the feeling... etc

Today was such an amazing day outside. Any scent of spring made me want to take a long walk and enjoy the weather. I was really thankful that I was able to. I also had some extra time to open up the windows and play some records and just hang out. It got me thinking about how my life isn't really so different from when I was a kid. Listening to records, hanging out and imagining stuff was how I spent most of my time.
I had the pleasure of recording a blues album this week with some great musicians. We spent three full days in an awesome studio called Brooklyn Recording. They had TONS of vintage gear, mountains of amps and stuff. We played all these old grooves that have lived inside me for so long and been played in so many clubs so many times. Somehow I felt fresh about it all. I think it was the attitude of the people I was working with. It allowed me to go back to all these old records I used to sit around and listen to as a kid, Willie Dixon, Robert Johnson, BB King and so many others. It's funny how simple the blues form is, and how misleading it is to people who might think it's easy because it's simple. I realized that I actually have a long way to go with the blues. It's lifelong journey and at the same time a simple feeling that anyone is allowed to express.

Grooving is obviously a huge part of playing drums. I learned a ton this week about feeling. I continue to check out how to make a track feel good. First, you have to work with the people you are making music with. Second, you have to be strong and direct the beat and provide the backbone to allow it to breathe and feel good. It really should be no different than dancing or touching someone. It is about touch, rhythm and space. We played a bunch of the tunes to a click track, but I noticed how each take still felt different. I have finally realized all of this cutting and pasting we can do is really the opposite of music. It's cool, I'm not against technology. I love pro tools and plug ins, but if you can't make it feel good without it then you've missed the point. I guess maybe I always knew this, but it takes growth and maturity to finally discover this. It takes time, patience and practice. I am so happy and lucky to be a musician for life.

I took a long walk today and was totally digging on Bill Withers. I don't know the man, but continue to feel so connected to his approach, depth, honesty and lack of over production. These grooves FEEL so good. It's a feeling. It's a living thing. That's all you need. The song doesn't need a bridge. He didn't care if it was a hit -- it wasn't. It was a feeling. I love it. I bought it and so did other people. I found the LP in my collection -- it's called Naked and Warm. I downloaded a few of the songs online and put it on my iPhone (my favorite piece of technology btw) .

So, if it has a feeling, then it is good. Protect that feeling. Don't spoil it with too much of anything. Be honest with what it is. People spend years learning art forms and so often we forget how simple it is to feel. Humans can sense things. Sometimes a total stranger can see what's wrong with you and you can't even see it because you're so inside yourself. Music is the same way. It's a little easier than you think, I think. What you feel IS good enough.